Why Reverse Migration in Canada

Table of Contents :

  1. Latest.

  2. Why Reverse Migration.

  3. Economics Challenges.

  4. Back on Roots.

  5. Cost of Living.

  6. Unrealistic Expectations.

  7. My Perspective.

  8. Disclaimer.

Reasons behind immigration can be many.

Some migrate because of monetary reasons, while others aspire to improve their quality of life.

When they face hurdles, some go back thus we face reverse migration.


Recently, more immigrants are going back.

Canada is a land of immigrants, where this population growth is fueling our economy.

So this increased rate reverse migration, could be a cause of concern.

Not seeing enough benefits of moving to Canada, is the main reason behind it.

New generation immigrants arrive, as they aspire for better quality of life.

Maybe Canada is failing to meet expectations for some of them.

Surely, there might be multiple reasons that drive some of them back home, or to better pasters.

I believe, some tangible action need to be taken, so that Canada remains the prime destination of newcomers.

Why Reverse Migration

If you have considered moving away from Canada, you are definitely not alone.

Inspite of being a fantastic country to live, there are challenges most newcomers face.

No doubt, some consider high cost of living, stagnant incomes, extreme weather, etc too much to handle.

But I believe, there are more positives than negatives, as far as Canadian life is concerned.

Dual citizenship, with no residential obligations for citizens, enables immigrants to move back home, while still enjoying benefits of being a Canadian citizen.

Still, some newcomers undergo reverse migration, thus we need to introspect and change, so that we attract newcomers.

Economics Challenges

For a very long time, Canada’s economy which is part of NAFTA, remains a robust economic engine.

But to quell high inflation, Bank of Canada started increasing rates, thus making life for Canadians challenging financially.

Increasing cost of living, skyrocketing real estate prices in major Canadian cities, gave impression to newcomers, that it’s an expensive country to settle.

Gone are the days, when people immigrate to put food on the table.

Most come to have a better quality of life.

So when a newcomer faces hardships, they start making plans to move on, or go back.

Hope you get my point.

Back on Roots

Canada has a long history, where people immigrate from all over the world.

Some of them have deep connections with their heritage, as most of their extended family is back home.

I know, it is not an easy task to settle in a far away land, that too when you are facing a struggling period.

Lot of them face challenges to settle financially, while other’s education or experience is not accepted as such.

Under such emotional and financial hardships, some start to wonder, weren’t they better off back home.

Their whole idea was to improve their quality of life, but now have to start from scratch.

Cost of Living

Lately, we are facing cost of living crisis in Canada.

Consequently, a new immigrant has to face long commutes, as they can’t afford to live close where they work.

Also increased congestion in bigger cities, reduces their quality of life.

A new family faces challenges like, overpriced housing, overcrowded schools, long wait time in hospital emergencies just to get medical attention, to just name a few.

I believe, rapid infrastructure upgradation is lacking, while immigration is surging.

Therefore, some newcomers get disillusioned by what they have to face daily, while struggling to settle in a new country.

Unrealistic Expectations

Canadian life on YouTube looks very promising, so we make un-realistic expectations.

Landing in a new country, getting your basic IDs, finding affordable housing, or job in your related field could be challenging to start with.

On top of it, Canada does not look like fall throughout the year.

Depending on where you intend to settle, long spells of rainfall, few months of sub zero temperature could be daunting for a new immigrant.

Inability to find a managerial position that you might have back home, and starting from scratch, can be daunting for some.

Therefore easy solution for them is, reverse migration.

My Perspective

I believe, nothing in life is impossible if you put your heart and mind onto it.

Therefore, settling in a new country is no different.

Surely, we all have preferences and have to make certain sacrifices.

Just keep in mind, that settling in a new country far away from home, may not be ideal for everybody.

Like they say, all that glitters is not Gold is certainly true.

But I believe, the ones who go through this few years of challenging time, surely enjoy the Canadian life we all aspire to achieve, when we came initially.

Disclaimer :

As a disclaimer, I’m not a financial advisor please consult one before investing based on your personal financial situation.

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